We very much appreciate getting positive or constructive feedback from our customers. We received a nice message from Dutch photographer Frank Geraedts, who is highly involved in landscape photography and also gives workshops about landscape photography. We just had to share it!
The text is written in Dutch, but we made sure make to translate it for our non-Dutch speaking fans as well!
"Ik ben nog steeds zeer tevreden met de nieuwe case, waarvoor nog een keer hartelijk dank. De easyCover doet zijn werk uitstekend. De case beschermt tegen stof, spatwater en krassen. Persoonlijk vind ik de easyCover de beste accessoire die je voor een camera kunt kopen. Je ziet ze nog veel te weinig en het is echt een geweldige bescherming. Zeker als je ziet hoe veel je in apparatuur investeert. Dit is een must have voor iedere fotograaf, of je nu binnen of buiten fotografeert."
"I am still very satisfied with the new case, which I would like to say thank you for once more. The easyCover does its job excellent. The case protects against dust, water splashes and scratches. Personnaly I find the easyCover the best accessorie you could buy for your camera. You see them too little and it reallt is a great form of protection. Especially when you see how much you invest in camera gear. This is a must-have for every photographer, whether you use it indoors or outside."
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